Kathryn Hamilton & Deniz Tortum


Kathryn Hamilton, aka Sister Sylvester, is an artist and sometime microbiologist. She is a 2019 Macdowell Fellow and Yale Poynter Fellow. Recent performances include The Eagle and The Tortoise, National Sawdust, NYC; The Fall, Yale University, and Under The Radar, NYC; Three Rooms, Shubbak Festival/Arcola, London; Bozar, Brussels; Frascati, Amsterdam; Video work includes ARK, 601Artspace NYC; Kaba Kopya, Amsterdam University and Humboldt University, Berlin. Her work has been reviewed by Artforum, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Performance Art Journal, Telerama, among others. She spent the years 2011-13 in disguise as a French diplomat in New York. www.sistersylvester.org

Deniz Tortum works in film and new media. His work has screened internationally, including at the Venice Film Festival, SxSW, Sheffield Doc/Fest, True/False and Dokufest. His latest film Phases of Matter premiered at International Film Festival Rotterdam this year. He was recently featured in Filmmaker Magazine’s 25 New Faces of Independent Film. www.deniztortum.com

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